Sunday 2 June 2013

Media's Scrutiny: A Spectacular case of hypocrisy

Media prides itself in doing a scrupulous task in presenting to its viewers and readers the content which keeps them lettered and guides them to an informed judgment. While the vigilance administered by the media is often criticized for being immoderately incisive, but surprisingly its selective standards of scrutiny largely goes unnoticed. More than anything else, media needs to shed hypocrisy.

For quite some time now, media has devoted considerable amount of time and ink in presenting to us all the facets of incumbent Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. While Media’s fascination and interest is understandable, given the fact that many believe him to be the prime minister in waiting, it is the choice of content and absence of equivalent interest in any other incumbent or other plausible prime ministerial candidates, which is incomprehensible.    

As modi’s establishment boasts about remarkable growth rate, economic freedom, international accolades on reconstruction and development, record agricultural production, turnaround of the tourism industry etc. Media misses no opportunity to point out its traditional, all time hit rebuttal about 2002 riots.    The variety of information which media deems it fit to telecast or publish to bring the point home is revealing. Evidence, facts, judicial pronouncements, testimony of convicts, lengthy investigative reports, and statistics are considered almost irrelevant in demonstrating his direct or indirect involvement in the pogrom. Want of proof which even cast a suspicion on his involvement has driven media intellectual frenzy.

Resultantly, every obscure detail about him has attracted the attention regardless of its relevance. Modi’s refusal to wear a skull cap becomes an undeniable proof of his communal mindset. His donning of a saffron coloured kurta will only further corroborate it. He having only regretted the holocaust and not tendered a personal apology will then form a piece of clinching evidence. Columnists thinks it entirely reasonable to translate his poetry (which is originally written to Gujarati) in to English to peep into his mind and thereby in to his ability to govern.
And just when they were running out of required rhetoric; it floated new standards of assessment which is designed to indicate repulsive side of his character. Viewers and readers are informed repeatedly about his succinctly knitted kurta from one of the most expensive shop in Ahmadabad and his precisely trimmed beard, his tendency to get photographed every now and then, his obsession with excessive marketing of his work. We are then informed as to how his choice of vocabulary reflects unpleasant face of his personality;  viz..’mataye aur behne (mothers and sisters)’ undoubtedly indicating his conservative mindset; ‘upvaas instead of anshan’(meaning ‘fast on personal reasons’ and ‘fast for a cause’), showing his lack of understanding;  ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ in speeches, demonstrating authoritarianism. Historians, civil society activists, marxist intellectuals, former judges have come to media’s rescue and have enriched it with such theories.  Euphemisms, metaphors, are used by them almost routinely to reflect upon his ‘dreadful’ image. Parallels of his persona with historical hate figures are drawn effortlessly.

While it is disastrous to draw monumental conclusions from isolated facts, media with the help of its ‘liberal brigade’ have drawn conclusions from absolute no facts without slightest hesitation.

And precisely when this mindless outpouring is going on, media finds it of no relevance to fill up the vacuum of information on the other side. Media simply makes no effort to find out the actual educational qualification and alleged mis-declaration of the same by the person who has served as the president of the single largest party for fifteen years and is the chairman of the incumbent ruling alliance for nine years now - Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. It is considered absolutely understandable that even after twenty three years she is not made to answer by any government agency or anyone for that matter on bofors howlitzer scam of which her husband-the then prime minister was in the dock. Her relation with the Italian middlemen and absconding scam kingpin Ottavio Quatrocchi becomes a dead issue.

No damage is done and no investigation is initiated even when her son-in-law is found indulging in countless financial irregularities leading to the establishment of a gigantic business empire in a record time of ten years. It is considered entirely reasonable that she need not give reason to the people on why this businessman is also exempted from frisking at all Indian airports by way of government order. In a government where she behaves like a super prime minister and where scams after scams involving trillions of dollars keep on unravelling scalding almost everyone associated with the government, Mrs. Gandhi escapes even the slightest dose of inspection, leave alone full-fledged investigations. Her effrontery receives no attention from the media or intellectuals.

Equally unnecessary is for the media to even peruse through the draft ‘communal violence bill’ - the most ridiculous piece of legislating drafted by National Advisory Council of which she is the Chairman. The unprecedented politically convenient and administratively ridiculous model of governance comprising of dual power centres which gives her all the power with zero accountability and makes a mockery of democracy also fails to raise any eyebrows. While modi’s development claims immediately finds lengthy counters indicating that there is enough left to do in interms of malnutrition, human development etc. and when even his twenty four hour electricity supply in eighteen thousand villages fails to receive the desired accreditation, Mrs. Gandhi’s record as a member of parliament and as an administrator for straight nine years of one of the most backward district in the country invites no analysis. Media’s sense of reverence for Mrs. Gandhi appears to have no parallel.

Her party’s policy of going extra soft on millions of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and by allowing subversive legislative and administrative mechanism to facilitate their stay despite it being manifest threat to the national security also fails to raise even a suspicion about her own secular credentials and her allegiance to the nation. But no one dares to point a finger even when the situation swells out of control and ultimately culminates into communal riots. Foreseeability of the riots and non-action are again obviously not discussed.
Her ludicrous choice of phrases like, “we should attack and not be on the defensive”( as a response to CAG’s report on coal scam), “let them ask” (as a response to oppositions’ demand of resignation pursuant to coal scam), “rahul ka sapna” (as a comment on the constitutional amendment motion on lokpal bill) and “power is poison” (while apparently bequeathing her share of power to her son) surprisingly invites no media scrutiny whatsoever.  When modi’s vocabulary is subjected to heavy-duty vivisection, Mrs. Gandhi’s unimpressive speeches in rally are received with extraordinary grace.

No efforts are being made to find the truth- to peep into her mind, her stand on critical issues. The issue is not even broached up. Her persona which heavily relies on ‘mystery branding’ is allowed to sustain. Her rule is almost considered as ‘given’ when media is not even interested in knowing her opinion on the economic, political and social problems affecting India or in evaluating the consequences of such absence of opinion, leave alone the ability to implement it. Nothing, absolutely nothing is somehow capable of sullying her image.
Media’s silence is more than telling. People are made to digest that the ‘queen’ can do no wrong!